Montreal Chronicles: An Eventful Weekend of Unexpected Twists

Hello there, my fellow Coastal Lovers,

Settle in as I share the whirlwind tale of a remarkable weekend in Montreal. Get ready for a blend of exploration, laughter, and some unforeseen surprises that kept me and my emotions on my toes. So, grab a comfy seat and join me as I recount the journey that started with excitement and took a few unexpected turns.

Setting the Scene

Bright and early on a Thursday morning, my “co-sister in law” (apparently this is what google says you should call the sister of your sister in law 😂) Grace and I embarked on a road trip from Boston to the city of Montreal. The open road beckoned, filled with mountain views, quick passes through the boarder and the promise of new core memories.

Exploring Old Montreal

Upon arrival, we wasted no time delving into the charms of old town Montreal. We met up with the rest of our group who flew in and our journey started with an unexpected delight – a zipline adventure amidst historical surroundings with a view overlooking the Osheaga Music festival fairgrounds. It was a rush of excitement and a fantastic way to kick off our Caroline, my sister’s birthday! I will never forget the landing, we were laughing so hard at the unexpected and abrupt stop. Apparently, non of us even asked how we would stop. When hunger struck, we found ourselves at Dandy for brunch. Let me tell you, those fingerling potatoes were a treat, and I was told the cucumber gin cocktail was super refreshing! It should be noted, that at this time, my 4Runner was parked in a below grade garage on floor 9 with 8 people’s belongings inside.

The Unforeseen Twist

With spirits soaring, we checked into our urban Airbnb, completely unloaded and parked the 4Runner in a nearby surface lot, a recommendation from our host. Little did I know that this choice would steer our adventure in an unexpected direction. As I walked away I had uneasy feelings but chose to trust the recommendation.

The following day, a phone call from friends delivered the shocking news – my 4Runner had vanished. Panic surged as I rushed to the parking lot, my heart racing. As I confronted the situation, frustration mingled with disbelief. The scene was surreal – was it towed, stolen, moved? But amidst the chaos, my innate optimism persisted. Unfortunately the 4Runner was not towed or moved and confirmed stolen. After waiting an hour for the police we realized we had to move quick if we wanted to make it to the consulate to get new passports (which were unfortunately locked in the stolen truck) So we hitched a ride to the police station and started taking matters into our own hands.

Navigating Challenges

Throughout the day, a sense of melancholy settled in. It might seem trivial – just a car. But it represented more than that; it symbolized a dream realized. My 4Runner aspiration began during my childhood when my parents owned one. Finally, at 32, I had my own, tailored to perfection. Army green, brown leather interior and a 3rd row which is unique option for this model.

However, Montreal's community extended a helping hand. The police station became a hub of support. Strangers and officers alike demonstrated incredible empathy. We met the nicest group of guys at the police station who started sharing photos and information about my car to groups of friends and family so they could keep and eye out. Montreal united to aid in locating my car.

A Glimpse of Relief

A police officer's insight offered solace. He explained that Montreal had seen a surge in car thefts and especially 4Runners. The realization struck, shifting my perspective from self-blame to understanding that even if I was in a secured garage, my 4Runner would most likely still have been taken. Accepting that this could have occurred anywhere lessened my burden of guilt. There were also a few moments of “well at least”.. “Well at least this happened when the car was empty and not full of 8 peoples belongings.” “Well at least this happened on day 1 and not on day 4 when we were packed and ready to go home.” “Well at least I have another car seat at home and other then our passports, there wasn’t anything else valuable in the car.” If you know me, you know I am always trying to look at the brighter side of the situation.

Next Steps

Grace and I rushed to the consulate and were lucky enough to confirm that we did not need new passports to re-enter the country. Our licenses along with the police report would satisfy boarder patrol. I also had the chance to talk to the insurance company. There would be a two week waiting period to see if the car could be recovered and then we would move on from there. There wasn’t much else I could personally do to help the situation. It was now completely out of my control.

Carrying On: Osheaga Music Festival

Despite setbacks, the adventure pressed on. The Osheaga music festival beckoned, and with my steadfast support system – sisters and friends who are family – beside me, the weekend’s rhythm continued. Music, laughter, and unforgettable moments provided a welcome distraction. Ever since attending this festival last summer I had been looking forward to this escape so I tried my absolute best to ignore the present situation and enjoy the three days. The outfits were planned and the lineup was set. We got on the train all three days and enjoyed the hell out of ourselves.

Heartfelt Reflections

As I departed Montreal, my emotions were a blend of sorrow and gratitude. Leaving without my beloved family 4Runner was crushing but at the end of the day it is just a car. I’m slowly working to regain my faith in humanity and I’ll work to replace the car with time. Who knows! Maybe the 4Runner will be recovered?!

Do you have questions about what happened, next steps or about Osheaga? Comment below or on Instagram!

Until the next adventure (or coastal design advice),
