An Unforgettable Maine Weekend: Ironman Triumph and Coastal Exploration

Hey there, lovely readers!

I'm absolutely thrilled to share with you the whirlwind of a weekend we just had in the gorgeous state of Maine. It's been a journey filled with sweat, laughter, and a truckload of coastal charm, so grab a cup of coffee (or maybe a lobster roll) and let's dive right in!

Daring to Dream: The Ironman Challenge

Picture this: New Year's hits, and my husband Josh decides he's going to tackle an Ironman 70.3. No big deal, right? Him and his buddies Gregg and Chris chose the Augusta, ME course – a nod to our deep-rooted love for this mesmerizing state. It's funny how Maine has woven its way through our lives. As kids, both of vacationed in Bar Harbor, creating memories that we cant help but want to continue with Emerson.

Now, let's talk training. Josh dove in headfirst, clocking in hours of intense workouts. Three-hour sessions? Yep, that became the new normal. But let's not forget the mental workout – the gear selection, the nutrition plan, and the course analysis. It's like we were solving a complex puzzle, and the pieces were scattered everywhere. And yes, I say “we” because a lot of it we figured out together or talked through. Josh would watch hours of Ironman videos while he was on the peloton preparing for any unknown. Each leg of the race had different variables. For the swim, wet suit or no wet suit and how does that effect when you can start? What will the water temperature be? For the bike, what bike accessories do I need, getting the biked tuned, learn how to change a flat and buy gear to help with road side corrections if needed. When will I eat? How much do I need to eat? There were hundreds of variables that needed to be figured out which I honestly felt took more time and brain energy then the training itself, but then again…. I wasn’t doing the physical training! lol

Baby Jackson and the Ironman Mixtape

Fast-forward to race day – a day that had excitement buzzing in the air. I couldn’t sleep the night before because I was so excited for Josh. Gathered at the cheer stations were our cheering squad – my best friend Jen, also cheering on her hubby, Gregg, Arianna, and Josh's Dad and stepmom, Deb. But the real MVPs? That would be Emerson and Gregg and Jen's four-month-old bundle of joy, Jackson.

Imagine this: neon signs held high, AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" blasting through our portable speaker – the racers couldn't miss us if they tried! And let me tell you, Em and Jackson? They were champs! From car seats to chief cheerleaders, they were on fire.

Triumph and Celebration

Now, let's talk about Josh's triumph. I'm talking paces that left us all in awe. His goal was to finish in 7 hours, but guess what? He crushed it in 5 hours and 33 minutes. Seeing him cross the finish line was a moment I won't forget – the culmination of months of dedication and hard work that brought tears to my eyes.

The race was an epic saga, both for the racers and for us cheering them on. Hours flew by, and the finish line awaited. Josh's results were nothing short of astonishing – a swim pace under 1:00 minute per 100 meters, averaging 18 mph on the bike ride, and a 7:56 pace for the half marathon run. Exceeding his expectations and achieving his goals, he truly embodied the spirit of the Ironman.

And that moment when he leaned in for a quick kiss from Em during the run? Priceless. But, truth be told, his fast pace made our cheering challenge real. We hustled from one spot to another, at times barely making it in time. Picture Arianna cheering from a sunroof, Em waving her "go daddy go" sign, and our little ones joining in with their infectious enthusiasm and on the go naps. At one point, Em was cheering “the swim is done, the bike is done, now all you have to do is jog! If you’re a Daddy, this sign is for you!”

Seeing Emerson cheer on not just her dad but all the athletes was pure magic. It's a big deal for us that she witnesses our journey in preparing for events like this. We want her to understand that dedication and hard work lead to achieving dreams – and it's a lesson that applies both on and off the racetrack. Our training isn't just for us; it's a commitment to staying healthy for ourselves and for her. We're hopeful that these moments of cheering on from the sidelines will ignite her spirit to dream big and chase goals in every aspect of life.

Exploring Coastal Charms

After the race, we decided to wind down in Wiscasset, Maine. With Augusta's accommodations booked, this quaint town turned out to be a gem of a find. Our waterfront historical rental felt like a cozy home away from home, complete with a deck overlooking the river – the perfect way to relish the victory vibes. Here is the link to the airbnb.

And then there was Boothbay where we went to explore on Monday – a slice of Maine that felt straight out of a storybook. The waterfront, the shops, the lobster rolls – it was all there, minus the crowds. Lunch at the Tugboat Inn Restaurant, with lobster rolls, local Maine brews and waterfront views, was a high point. Before leaving on Tuesday morning I squeezed in a 4 mile run along the coast the breath in as much Maine air and views as possible.

Savoring Every Moment

This weekend wasn't just about a race; it was about savoring every experience. From Josh's Ironman triumph to our coastal explorations and cherished time with best friends and family, Maine painted a picture of beauty and memories that will last a lifetime.

So, if you've got questions about the Ironman craziness, Wiscasset or Boothbay wanderings, or the heart of Maine, drop me a line. Let's keep the conversation going because there's more to share, explore, and celebrate.

Next up - OSHEAGA in Montreal Canada and continuing to train for my own Olympic distance Triathlon at the end of August!

Warmest summer wishes,
