The Madejs are Moving......

So as many of you know Josh and I contemplated moving many many places. We took a trip to Portland, ME to see if that was our cup of tea, we went back down to Charlotte, and ran through the list of most other major US cities on the east coast. There were a few major things we were looking for and no city really met all of our wants and needs so we started to re-prioritize and think about what was really important. 

1. Family - we prefer to be in driving distance to everyone. 

2. Job growth - we each have career opportunities that are to great to pass up. 

End result- we are staying in the DC metro area. The Central location hits every box on our check list. We are 4 hours from both of our families in NJ, 2 short hours away from our 3 adorable nieces in Philly, and we will remain living near many close friends and professional networks. Using these networks to our advantage will be critical for success in the next few years.

After the decision to stay in the area settled in we started to think of all the different areas within DC/VA/MD which would be better options than Capitol Hill. We were looking for a larger apartment with similar pricing, a safe neighborhood, something metro accessible, and obviously something dog friendly. Where did we decide to settle you may ask?! OLD TOWN, VA! (Aka... the cutest town ever) 

For those of you who are unfamiliar, Old Town it is down on the Potomac river with lots of shopping, restaurants, brick sidewalks, and tons of restaurant options. Josh and I can't wait to explore the area.  Another huge bonus- we landed ourselves a two bedroom two bathroom apartment for exactly what we pay now! Oh yeah... And there is a pool. Can you say guest room? You are all welcome to visit anytime!  (Photos curtesy of the Google search.. Hopefully I'll have some of my own soon) 


In the beginning we were trying to make a big move in an attempt to go on some crazy adventure. What it took us a while to realize is anywhere we live will be an amazing adventure as long as we are together! 

The move starts tomorrow before the blizzard sets in! We will be unpacking safe in our new apartment watching possibly two feet of snow fall.  

Oh yeah... And because this is my 7th move in the past 9 year I have a few Madej moving tips.

1. Anything you take off the walls - tape the screws or nails to the back so you don't need to find new ones when you go to rehang. 


2. Pack all your folding clothes in garbage bags like this.  


3. PURGE!!! I took 8 garbage bags full of stuff I didn't need to Goodwill.  

4. Leave your dresser packed. Move the drawers, then the body of the dresser and then put the drawers back in :)  

5. Use furniture Dolly's. These things will speed everything up!  

6. Find yourself a good moving partner :) Mine is pretty cute to boot!  


Spread the Love & Dream Big,

The Madejs