The Return of a Legend - The Watergate Hotel Reopens!

After 2 years of extremely hard work I'm proud to say THE WATERGATE HOTEL IS OPEN!  So happy to scratch that off my list of 2016 goals.  (insert the champagne bottle poppin' emoji here!)

For those of you who don't know my involvement on this epic project I'll summarize. I initially joined the Euro Capitol team to be a construction assistant project manager to one of my favorite mentors, Tim Wilson. I quickly adapted to become the owner, Rakel Cohen's right hand in helping with the purchasing of all international materials (think: marble, granite, fancy metals from Italy, curved millwork from Austria, guestroom millwork and furniture from Vietman), designing all the fun stuff you see in a hotel (think: robes, tissue boxes, bathroom amenities, bedding), budgeting for all the equipment and supplies required to open a hotel, designing and buying all of the signage, participating in PR and marking initiatives and so much more. The opportunities were endless but most required me to travel to NYC three days a week for over a year and a half. A big shout out to Mr. Madej for being so supportive of the project and my career. He held down the fort and took amazing care of Cruz all those days I was gone. Another big shout out to our BFF and roommate at the time, Jen Meador for hanging out with Josh so much (I know this wasn't easy, he talks A LOT). Additional shootouts to my parents, June and Chris for hosting me so many nights in NJ, spoiling me with home cooked meals and bringing me back and forth from the bus stop.  Traveling was a great experience - an exhausting one but it also allowed me to experience the culture of NYC,  spend time with some great friends and rack up some serious Amtrak rewards points. 

At times this project felt like we were pushing a train up a huge hill but when you have the opportunity to work with the team I did anything is possible.  I was honored to work with so many amazing mentors who were not only responsible for teaching me countless things to apply to my career but also are now lifelong friends. To Rakel - you were a great boss but an even better friend <3.  Thank you Tim, Mary, Nicolas & Mark for always looking past the hard times and participating in things like Thanksgiving, Christmas bar crawls, Nats games, Caps games, wine tours, and best of all French Lunch.  The job wouldn't have been the same without getting to share it with all of you!

I hope any of you who live in DC or who are passing through take some time to stop by the hotel and see the masterpiece that was created. The lobby is truly a work of art. Stop by the Whiskey Bar and taste some of the rarest products the market has to offer, eat in the restaurant, King Bird or hit the roof top (opening in July) for sunset happy hour.  Call us and we can meet you there! 

Lastly - if we ever sat down and had a conversation about this project - thank you! All of your support is what got me through a very exhausting job. I hope this iconic project stands tall for years and years to come because at the end of the day it was extremely rewarding and I am unbelievably proud. 

See the Watergate Hotel in the News! 

  • Bloomberg -
  • NBC -
  • USA Today -
  • The Washington Post -
  • Vanity Fair -
  • Conde Nast Traveler -


So you may ask - what's next? I have recently accepted a project management position with Hanscomb Consulting!  The position allows me to continue to consult back the hotel project for little things left to wrap up while working on other projects at the same time. First up is a lobby renovation at the Watergate West building and a large facade project at the Hilton in Crystal City. 

Spread the Love & Dream Big,

Mrs. Madej